
Category Archives for "Fishing"

Pro Tips To Know About How To Catch Mackerel

Do you want to catch Mackerel during your next fishing trip?

Mackerel could be claimed as excellent bait for the anglers of the sea. This beautiful fish tastes splendid, and they could be regarded as more than just a summer pastime or a baitfish.

Fishing for Mackerel will be great fun if you catch it on the perfect tackle. These fishes are very powerful and could offer some excellent sport. Hence, to help you to know more about this fish species and apprehend the right technique.

We have brought up this list of how to catch mackerel. Hold on your interest and keep on reading.

Where is Mackerel Found?

Mackerels could be said to be seasonal fishes that generally arrive in waters during late spring and move out during early autumn.

Well, Mackerel are very common during midsummer in the British Isles. These are shoaling fishes that could be seen on the water surfaces in huge numbers when they feed on smaller baitfish.

where is mackerel found

You would find Mackerels to feed specifically on whitebait that the fish chases along several tidal jetty walls as well as groins.

Mackerels could be found easily around docks, piers, and harbors which render them easier access to deeper waters as well as tidal runs.

Mackerels usually have the tendency to feed up more or less halfway from the seabed. However, weather and sea temperature are the two factors that would affect the distribution of this baitfish.

Hence, the season of mackerel probably starts from mid and late summer in UK’s northern most regions while in the south, the fish are usually offshore for maximum time in a year.They move inshore and towards north during spring.

What You Will Need

1. Fishing Reel

If you require a little bit extra distance, a multiplier would then be the perfect option. It would help you in covering more area with it.

multiplier reel

Many people could argue that one would cover the same distance with a fixed spool reel, but it is not at all preferable.

It is true that if something goes wrong while multiplier casting, then it would be a horrible wrong.

But if one grasps the proper technique using the multiplier, you would have to never look back again.

Overall, it means that when it’s about casting long distances, the multiplier would be a great option.

2. Fishing Rod

For catching Mackerel, surf caster or more beachcast could be excellent options. You might need to get into an appropriate water depth.

casting rod

Or, if someone is fishing straightly in deeper water from the marks like Hopes Nose or Berry Head, a perfect length rod would simply let you among these fishes.

Well, you could consider these products for catching the fish

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3. Fishing Line

If you look for fishing lines for Mackerel, then monofilament line of 150 pounds would be somewhat a good option. With a lighter line, you would be able to pump it farther.

On the other hand, if you go for braided lines, then 20 to 25 pounds line would be good.

However, considering the braking strain, braided lines would be about half regarding line diameter compared to the monofilament lines.

But it would not really matter a lot whether you are using monofilament or braided lines.

These products could be worthy of purchase to catch mackerel

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4. Fishing Hook

Hooks that are usually very popular for using in fishing mackerel would be the circular ones.

top fishing hooks

Due to such a circular design, it probably becomes hard for the fish to escape from the hook about the other ones.

Circular hooks would always be a better option to get a good result.

5. Fishing Baits & Lures

The best baits for mackerels would be the glossy or bright ones. The most commonly used bait for catching mackerel is the fish themselves.

fishing lure vs bait

Mackerel strips could be asserted to be great baits. The other baits would include scad, garfish, squid and garfish.

The commonly used lures for mackerels are feathers, hokkals, silver tinsel, and sabikl.

How To Tie Mackerel Feather

You can watch this video below to know how to tie hook:

Step-by-Step Instructions: How to Catch Mackerel Using Feathering Technique

Step 1: Reeling The Line

At the time of casting, you would have to make sure that the weight is hitting the seabed before closing the clasp and then begin feathering.

Pulling the rod

At first, you would have to start with reeling in the slack line. You would be continuing the reeling process unless you feel the weight.

As soon as you feel the weight, you would have to stop to reel in further.

Step 2: Pulling The Rod

Reeling The Line

Once you cast and then attain a tight line, you would have to then only pull back the rod in a continuous motion starting from waist height to that of the head height.

You won’t be reeling in the line while the rod is being pulled back. Hence, you would be spinning the slack line only when you would move back the rod down the height of the waist.

Step 3: Repeating The Same Process

After you complete the above step for once, you would be repeating the process. You would be making probably about three to four complete turns on your reel.

Well, you could even pull the rod back from the level of the ground to above the head. The first process would keep the lure more or less at the same depth while the up-down motion will be raising the lure on the water.

You could choose whichever you find suitable for you. Likewise, your catch would be right in front of you and later on your dishes.

Mackeral feathering technique

Pro Tips To Catch Mackeral With Feathering Technique

  • It would be better not to feather at the night as mackerels could not see them in the dark. Feathering technique would be best when the sun is shining brightly, and the water is quite clear
  • If you are feathering on a breakwater or pier, you would have to let the feather fall directly beneath you and would be standing there to jig them up and down
  • While feathering, many anglers cast long distances, but a mackerel can swim tight often against the wall of the pier. Casting such great distances would make the feathers come closer to the walls thereby making them out of the water almost. Hence, you could never go deep enough for finding Mackerels
  • The line strength clips and knots might not suit your style of power casting with 6 oz lead weight as maximum feathers are made by non-anglers in the Far East. Hence, you would have to ensure that your casting is not overloading the rig, pulling the knots or snapping the fishing line.


Well, this was all that we had on our list of how to catch mackerel. Like we mentioned earlier that mackerels could be a tasty dish, but actually, they are quite underrated.

They are popular baitfish and could be very easy to catch if you learn the right technique to find them. The purpose of bringing out such a list was only to provide you useful information about the species and let you know the proper technique.

We hope that our list would now help you to learn the right process. Well, if you have any suggestion, please let us know in the comments.

Interesting Things About How To Catch Pickerel

Are you looking for a proper technique to catch Pickerel in your next fishing trip?

Well, it is usually often more exciting to fish in an unknown water body as you would not know what can strike the lure after hitting the water. Pickerel could be caught all year round, and you would actually have much fun in catching this fish.

Pickerel are known to be much aggressive and even could not be easily found like other game fish species. But, you could really enjoy catching them, specifically on lighter tackle.

To help you in experiencing the real fun, we have brought up a list of how to catch pickerel along with some vital information.

Hence, just hold your interest and keep on reading below.

What You Will Need

1. Fishing Rod

For catching pickerel, a lightweight rod could actually work best.

You can choose a 6 to 7 or 10-foot rod.

Overall Rating

You could purchase this product for catching the fish

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Berkley Lightning Rod Casting Berkley Lightning Rod Casting 28 Reviews $138.00

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2. Fishing Line

To catch these aggressive fighters, 6 or 8 pounds monofilament fishing line would be a good option for your lightweight spinning setup.

These products could be worthy of purchase for Pickerels

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3. Fishing Lures

Weedless spoons, crank baits, jigs with pork dressing would work perfectly for catching pickerels in deep waters.

Poppers prop lures and wobblers would be the lures of topwater.

Berkley Gulp baits

However, minnows would be particularly great choices for catching 3 to 5 inches pickerels.

Moreover, soft plastic jerk baits could be an excellent option to fool these lone wolves.

4. Tippets & Teeth

A multi-strand leader wire of a narrow diameter which could be fastened to general fishing knots would help in adding a bite tippet easily for pickerels.

tippet fishing

You would have to add some inches to the leader or line using triple surgeon knot.

However, you would have just to ensure that both the mainline and wire are of the same diameter.

Brief Understanding of Pickerel

​Pickerel are known to be the smallest member of the family pike. The world record pickerel of 9.6 pounds weight is known to be caught in Georgia.

However, you would be able to catch four pounds of the fish or measuring more than 24 inches, and this would be the king size catch in any place.

  • The appetite of Pickerel is probably voracious, and this fish species appears to be like a killing machine. This is due to their backward angled teeth that would make impossible for any caught victim to escape.
  • Pickerels are known to feed on frogs, insects, small snakes, and mice. However, Minnows, panfish, and other pickerel could be considered as their favorite overwhelming foods.
  • Pickerels could be found starting from Texas, Florida and then straight northwards in Canada. You would find them inhabiting places like lakes, ponds, black water rivers as well as big impoundments.

Pickerel are seen to favor usually tannin stained and acidic waters that include plenty of vegetation. Maximum pickerels would be loners and homebodies.

They would float in one place motionlessly, frequently behind weeds, timber or brush, and rush out to trap the doomed baitfish or other passing creatures.

Pickerels would twist their body for making an S shape while preparing itself to strike.

Brief Understanding of Pickerel

After this, the fish would project itself to the target in the fastest motion. It could even become difficult for your eyes to detect it.

Shallow spots such as dock pilings, weed beds, sunken logs, grassy banks and submerged brush would be the proper places for catching pickerel in their trap feeding mode.

However, if you want to bag huge amount of the fish, then deeper holes, drop-offs, points, backwater sloughs in rivers and slow pool would be the best places to look for it.

Step-by-Step Instructions: How to Catch Pickerel by Fly fishing

Step 1: Dropping The Line

At first, you would have to take your 7 to 8 weighted rod and then would be adding a tapered leader of 5 to 9 foot along with a tippet of 8 to 10 foot.

You could use topwater flies during the summer time. Now, you would have to drop them down in a gentler way next to the fallen logs, weed beds, points or brush piles.

After letting the ripples to dissipate, you would have to push them tenderly.

Step 2: Suspending The Fly And Catching The Fish

Winter, late fall and spring would be the suitable time to opt for fly fishing.

Now, you would have to allow them to sink to about 12 to 48 inches. After this, you could start with a stripping retrieve.

You would have to keep the tip of the rod lower to the water and start pulling the line up to 12 to 48 inches at a time. You would be pulling in sharp squirts with pausing in the middle of the jerks.

This will be suspending the fly and cast temptingly just like the way a real minnow would have done.

Once you catch one, you would then realize the fish’s specialty.

Pro Tips to Catch Pickerel

  • Fishing Around Vegetation

Pickerels could be considered as lone wolves that are quite difficult to find. But they are known to spend much time in soft covers where they wait for their prey.

Hence, it would be better to start fishing from submerged logs, weeds, or stumps.

  • Use Standard Baits Available On The Spot

Pickerels are known to possess a great eye sight, so they could quickly identify their prey. Therefore, it would be very important for you to use bait which is commonly found in the place. The logic goes same for the artificial baits too.

However, your bait size would have to be appropriate for the pickerel's size in that spot. It will be limiting your activity if the size is too small or too big.

  • Prefer Daylight Hours

You would find many fish species to feed at night aggressively, but this is not so with pickerels.

A bright and clean sunny day would offer the best setup to pickerels for executing their feeding activity. Hence, it would be better to fish in such hours to get the best results.

  • Setting The Hook Fast

Pickerels are probably fast strikers. They would rush rapidly to the food source as soon as they see it.

Hence, you would have to be very attentive and quickly snap the wrist as soon as you feel the hit.


Well, this was all that our list of how to catch pickerel contained. Catching pickerels could of very exciting and fun, but the main thing would be to find out the real place where they are present.

Like, we mentioned above that Pickerels are claimed to be as lone wolves, so it could become a little bit difficult to find them out. Once you spot them, then the entire fishing process would become accessible.

Pickerels could be fast strikers, but you would be able to catch them if you are attentive. Well, we hope that our guide above and tips would help you a lot in fishing lot of pickerels.

However, if you have any suggestion, please let us know in comment section.

Learn The Secrets Of How To Catch Bowfin

Are you planning to catch Bowfin during your next fishing trip?

Bowfins are known to be active fighters as well as a fantastic fish. But this fish species is not as popular as trout, walleye or bass.

Bowfins have strong jaws, and most anglers lose their lures in their jaws. This could be regarded as one of the reasons for their less popularity.

The fish might not be the first choice of anglers, but they are known to offer daunting opponent in water and could even sustain in water that contains lesser oxygen.

Since bowfins are very challenging and stronger fishes, you would have to know about them clearly along with the proper technique to catch them.

To help you out in it, we have brought up a list of how to catch Bowfin along with much-related information. So just hold on your interest and continue to read.

Places to Catch Bowfins

​Bowfins are inhabitants of eastern North America and are commonly found in the southeast of Canada and east of US.

places to catch bowfin

Being prodigious and piscivorous hunters, these fishes prefer to live in slow-moving, clear, medium streams and canals. However, you would even find them in lakes and weedy swampy waters.

Shallows and riverbanks are usually the places where Bowfins hunt their game.

The anatomy of this fish species is known to be little bit distinct, and this could be one of the reasons for preferring shallows by them. Bowfin uses the swim bladder in a different way, that is, as a primeval lung.

  • They come to the surfaces sometimes to quaff the air and for regulating their strength. This is the reason that they stay near to the surfaces and could sustain in waters where there is little oxygen.
  • However, you would be able to catch Bowfins all the year long. Moreover, ice fishing for these fishes could be a productive option for you.
  • These fishes usually feed anything which catches their interests at any time. Therefore, you would be able to find Bowfins in the morning, afternoon as well as the evening in warm or cold temperatures and muddy or clean waters.

What You Will Need

Fishing Rod

You would be able to employ the same tackle that you use for trout, bass or walleye.

Light or medium light fishing rod would be a good option to use for bowfins. The length of the rod would be 6” to 9’6”.

These are some product that could be considered for catching bowfins:

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Fishing Reel

In the case of reels to catch bowfins, light to medium light ones would be better to pair with the fishing rod.

These products could work best as reels for your fishing rod:

Fishing Line

The line for catching bowfins would have to be about 15 to 20 pounds test braided. This is because you would be probably be catching the fish in rough waters.

Well, these products could be good options to consider for this fish:​

Fishing Hook

Bowfins possess largemouth, and they won’t shy away from bigger baits. Hence, larger hooks would be better options for this fish.

Likewise, you would also be able to prevent the bait from being swallowed by the fish completely. Bowfins are even muscular and have powerful jaws, so they could even straighten your hook.

Hence, it would be better to use thicker hooks. Barbless hook would be a good option for catching and releasing the fish.

However, if you use leeches, long fish strips, night crawlers or any longer baits, medium shank hooks would work best in fixing the bait entirely.

One hook or two hook bean sinker rig will be a great option if you are using live or dead baits for catching bowfins.

  • You could have a swivel that would act as a stopper for the sinker. Bowfins have sharp teeth, so a super braid leader of 20 to 30 pounds test could be the one you need.
  • Bowfins could not be spooked easily, and they are known to have excellent eyesight. Hence, it could be a good idea to employ brown or green color leader to make it look like a weed or plant root.

Baits & Lures

  • Fishing Bait

Crayfish & night crawlers would be the two best baits to employ for bowfins. These baits would work best particularly during stalking or still fish.

However, you could use any kind of smaller fishes, dead or alive for catching bowfins.

preparing baits
  • Fishing Lures

In the case of lures, you could use Vibrax Minnow Spins, Mepps spinners, crawfish or shrimp mimic crankbaits.

preparing lures

Minnow jigs would even be a productive option. However, it would be better to use metallic lures for bowfins as their strong jaws could easily ruin wooden, rubber or plastic lures.

Step-By-Step Instructions: How To Catch Bowfins

Step 1: Winding The Reel With Line

To catch Bowfins, you would have to at first start winding your fishing reel with fishing line. The line could be of 25 to 40 pounds test.

You would require such added strength for fighting a Bowfin without breaking the fishing line.

Step 2: Using Fresh Bait

You would now have to set the hook with the baits. Well, it would be better to use fresh baits wherever it will be possible.

hook fresh baits

Crawfish, bluegills, minnows and worms would work perfectly for it. Bowfins are generally found under thick covers like underwater vegetation as well as rocky bottoms.

Hence, you would have to look for such places to catch the fish in great amounts.

Step 3: Dropping The Line

Now, you would have to drop the fishing line in the water thereby trolling the bait across the bottom of the water.

Step 4: Landing The Catch

At this stage, you would have to jerk your wrist for setting the hook in the mouth of the fish as soon as you feel the bite.

And after that, you would have to be patient. Now, start reeling in slowly and steadily and let the fish wear out itself. 

If you try early to fight this strong, challenging fish, the tension would possibly break the line. Well, your catch Bowfin would be right in front of you like this way.

Pro Tips


Well, this was our list that included various significant information related to picking Bowfins successfully.

These are quite strong as well as challenging fishes and their behavior of swallowing the lure most of the time with their strong jaws makes them a less popular choice among the anglers.

But bowfins could make out a great meal due to their beautiful white flesh, just like maximum predator fishes.

Since the powerful jaws and the sharp teeth of bowfins could bestow a strong challenge to its opposition; you would have to apprehend the perfect technique of catching them.

We hope that our list as mentioned above of how to catch Bowfins would provide much information that you might want to know about the fish. Well, if you have any queries or suggestion related to this article, please let us know in the comments below.

Secrets About How To Catch Snook

Are you planning to experience a great day by fishing Snook?

Snook could be claimed as the favorite fish species of maximum professional fishers. You would find the fish in various places at the distinctive time of a year.

Snook are known to migrate or move within a much smaller area. They are basically a challenging fish species of warm waters, so you would have to pay attention to several factors as well as skills to apprehend the basics of catching them.

To help you in it, we have come up with the list of how to catch Snook including much valuable information.

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Must Know Facts About How To Catch Kokanee

Are you planning to catch kokanee to add a new experience in your fishing dairies?

Kokanee salmon were presented experimentally in many lakes and reservoirs in broad numbers in North America during the 1940s.

Since then it has been a huge success that soon developed into a glorious sport for many anglers in West as well as eastern waters. Kokanee is usually found in abundant and even are known to taste great.

Well, fishing Kokanee successfully could be considered as an art, and you would be successful if you comprehend much about their habitats, behavior, fishing techniques, and other aspects.

We have come up with a list of how to catch Kokanee along with some other information that could let you to successful fishing.

Where To Find Kokanee

  • You would find Kokanee inhabiting in the intermediate depths of open water bodies.
  • The fish is known to favor water temperature less than 54 degrees F.
  • Temperature of water probably plays a vital role in the survival and lifecycle of Kokanee. Temperatures more than 55 degrees could become lethal to Kokanee.
  • The ideal temperature for their effective growth and survival would be 50F to 54F. Hence, you would have to find the perfect water temperature in the water column to locate the fish significantly.
where to find kokanee

Kokanees would move to shallow water along the shorelines in spring as it offers the right temperature. However, the fish would move towards the thermocline of the river or lake in summer.

The thermocline is known to be the meeting place of cold and warm waters. This place is fulfilled with dissolved oxygen, and this is vital for all fishes. Hence, you could position your line above or within the thermocline to get a good result.

With the end of the summer, adult Kokanee would begin preparing for spawning. Kokanees would be moving towards shallow water for starting the process.

where to catch kokanee

Spawning ones usually stay in gravel inlets or creek mouths, so these could be the best places to fish for Kokanees during this time.

What You Will Need

Fishing Rod

An ultra-weight bait casting rod would be a good option to use for catching Kokanee. A flexible rod would offer you the best advantage to fight Kokanee.

Well, you won’t use bait casting rod for casting but to troll perfectly.

Here are some products that you could select for fishing kokanee:

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Fishing Reel

A bait casting reel with smoother drag would be essential for Kokanee fishing.

Here are two products that could worthy of purchase for kokanee:

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Fishing Line

You could use both monofilament and braided fishing lines of about 8 to 10 pounds test diameter for catching Kokanee.

These are some of the products that you could consider to purchase for your purpose:

Fishing Lure

Kokanee is generally known to feed on planktons, but they might enthusiastically hit lures.

Spinners, Bugs, Hootchies, smaller spoons would be some of the standard lures offered to Kokanee. The fish is even known to get attracted to different colored lures.

You could opt for hot pink, fluorescent orange, fluorescent red as well as chartreuse.

However, the popular options of present days would be the lures in the glow-in dark finish.

Flashers & Dodgers

You could run a little dodger of the lure and start your fishing day.

You would get many kinds of small trolling dodgers produced by several companies in the market due to the rising of kokanee trolling.

When the Dodger moves in the water, the side to side, flashy action will attract the fish.


Adding scent on the shoepeg corn has gained much popularity for many years. These scents would include garlic, anise, vanilla and many others.

Step-By-Step Instructions: How To Catch Kokanee

Step 1: Selecting The Right Spot

You would first have to choose an area where the temperature of the water is lesser than 50 degrees F.

right spot for fishing kokanee

If the water body where you will be fishing is hotter than this temperature, then the Kokanee salmon would likely be found assembled closer the bottom or across narrow, cool bands.

Step 2: Proceeding Through The Converging Waters

You would have to proceed to where streams or rivers run in your selected water body. Such converging body of water more likely could hold Kokanee in a significant amount.

Step 3: Tipping The Lure

Now, you would have to employ the lure, and then will be tipping the lure with smaller pieces of maggots or worm.

You could use any of the commonly used lures of Kokanee like small spoons, bugs, or spinners.

Step 4: Trolling Through The Water Body

You would now be trolling along your selected water body and work your used lure slowly. Kokanees would be hitting slow-moving lures more than others.

However, it doesn’t mean that trolling faster would discount your scopes, but it would be better to troll at 1.5 miles per hour or even slower.

Step 5: Troll In Straight Line

Now, you would be speeding up for some moments time to time. You would have to move your lure in such a way that it looks natural.

Hence, you would have to be slow and shorter burst of speed would have to be carried out at regular intervals.

However, you would troll not in the straight line but curved line. Likewise, your catch would be on your boat.

Pro Tips on How to Catch Kokanee

  • Trolling could be the most efficient way for targeting Kokanee. This process would help you in covering wide area in water in a shorter time
  • It would be better to use electronics for discovering schools of Kokanee and appropriate depth of trolling. You could use sonar to spot the fish quickly
  • If you troll in a straight line, you will not get a good outcome. Hence, you would have to execute the process in ‘S’ pattern
  • Downriggers would help to target the appropriate depths in the rivers or lakes
  • You could use several weights of ½ to 4 ounces in the absence of downriggers. However, while using online weight, you would have to count the number of feet out, and after being successful in fishing, you could repeat the pattern as well as depth
  • Your rod would have to be of light action. The flexibility of the rod would prevent the fish from snagging off
  • Lures such as hoochies would have to be fastened with Dodger as such lures could not produce own action
  • The speed of trolling would have to be about 0.8 to 1.2 miles per hour. However, it would have to be 0.8 to 1.9 miles per hour while employing downriggers.


Well, this was all that we had on our list of how to catch Kokanee. Like we mentioned earlier that you would have to consider all the aspects related to the fish like their life cycle, habitats, feeding patterns and others to attain a consistent outcome.

Many anglers are reported to have failed in catching Kokanee even fishing where the school of kokanee is known to exist.

Fishing Kokanee could sometimes be challenging, but it could turn enjoyable once you present things according to the right conditions.

We hope that our above-mentioned list will provide much valuable information to let you on the right track. Well, if you have any queries or advice, do let us know in the comments.

Secret Tips To Know About How To Catch Bonito

Are you looking for the proper guide to catch Bonito in the next fishing trip?

Anglers used to consider Bonito as a bait fish, but its properties of eating were often ignored. The fish would actually taste great if after capturing it bled straightly and cooked freshly.

Bonito could be claimed to be one of the popular fishes among the anglers. This is because it could fight hard and quick thereby offering influential sport on lighter fishing gear.

To help you to fight correctly with these great fighters, we have brought a list of how to catch bonito along with some other information.

Hold on your interest and keep on reading

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Critical Things To Know About How To Jig For Walleye

Do you have a plan to jig for walleyes in your next fishing trip?

Well, you could fish for walleyes from shore as well as from an anchored boat.

There is no doubt that a simple jig could be the perfect lure in one's walleye tackle box. Jigs would work excellent in spring and unbeatable during summer.

It would allure and provoke walleyes more in the early light of dawn, the high moon as well as at the last gleaming of twilight. Catching walleyes with jigs would even require a perfect presentation and to help you in it, we have come up with a list of how to jig for walleye.

Continue to read to know many interesting facts.

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Learn The Secrets About How To Fish With Minnows

Are you planning to fish using minnows for the first time?

If this is the first time, then you would definitely have to look at our list of how to fish with minnows.

Minnows could be considered as the most productive and abundant bait sources for fishing. Minnows could be sometimes difficult to catch if you are unknown about what you are doing.

However, there is even a right and wrong way to employ this fish while fishing. You would have to follow some basic rules regarding its storage or technique, and our list would act as an excellent guide for it.

If you are interested, just keep on reading

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Things To Know About How To Catch Grass Carp

Are you planning to catch grass carp in your next fishing outing? Many bass anglers are known to catch this unique fish species on 4 inch top water plugs and fly anglers usually grab the fish on corn flies.

Grass carp could grow each year up to 18 inches in ideal environments. A grass carp of more than 36 inches could be considered as big fish.

However, to catch this fish on the fly, it would be important to find out the perfect lake. Well, to let you know the technique correctly, we have brought a list of how to catch grass carp along with other valuable information.

Hold on your interest and keep on reading.

What You Will Need

Fishing Rod

If you fail in landing the fly in the correct spot with the fly rod, you would not be able to catch much grass carp.

You would require a fly rod that could be accurately cast. Many times, distance won’t matter. Sensitivity would be a significant factor that has to be considered for your rod.

A sensitive tip could be the ultimate thing that would help you give smaller twitches for making the fish excited. Grass carp are known to be stronger fish so that a 6wt sensitive rod would be better.

This product could be worthy of purchase for catching the fish

No products found.

Fishing Reel

Your reel for catching grass carp would have to have a high drag. Grass carp are known to make fast and furious movements.

Hence, you would need a good drag for wearing them out.

Here are two products that you could be worthy:

Preview Product Rating Price
Shimano Baitrunner D Spinning Reel (4.8:1) Shimano Baitrunner D Spinning Reel (4.8:1) 70 Reviews $156.00 from $137.49
Penn Spinfisher V Spinning Fishing Reel Penn Spinfisher V Spinning Fishing Reel 543 Reviews $118.86 from $106.03

Last update on 2018-02-27 PST - Details

Fishing Line

For catching Grass Carp, a fishing line of about 20 pound-test would be a good option.

You can check out these products for catching the fish:

SeaKnight Monster Blade Monofilament Fishing Line 500m/547yds Japan Material...
29 Reviews
SeaKnight Monster Blade Monofilament Fishing Line 500m/547yds Japan Material...
  • Material: Imported Japanese Line, 100% super strong nylon line.
  • Abrasion Resistance: Extremely Abrasion Resistant -effectively resist the hitting of obstacles in...
  • Low Ductility: The low ductility and stretch of the fishing line reduces the unnecessary vibration...

Last update on 2018-02-27 PST - Details

Fishing Hook

Grass carp would offer intense fight while hooked. Hence, a big 1/0 or 2/0 sized hook would be perfect for catching the fish.

Fishing Bait

Selection of bait would be imperative to catch grass carp. This fish species is known to be herbivorous that predominantly feed on vegetation.

Well, one of the easiest ways to make bait for the fish could be by combining corn and bread dough. Such bait would work well specifically while baiting the spot to be fished with the corn.

The other useful baits for catching grass carp would be watermelon, cherry tomatoes, lima beans, green beans as well as fresh cut grass.

Step-by-Step Instruction: How to Catch Grass Carp by Fly fishing

Step 1: Approaching The Fish

The approach would be the first opportunity for screwing up. You would have to walk very softly carrying a bigger stick and to pretend like to walk on eggshells.

Make sure that you are not casting any shadow, breaking a twig or moving the water. All these things could spook the grass carp, and this would eventually ruin your chances.

Step 2: Wait For The Best Chance

Grass carp could be spotted well in the early morning and late evening on the banks while they come for foraging.

You would have to hold on your patience and continue waiting for the right scope of casting in front of them. If the fish is along the cattail edges, you would have to follow the direction in which they are heading.

After this, you would have to creep into the water in front the fish by 50 ft approximately.

However, you would have to make sure that you are not moving the water in their direction.

Step 3: Make The Cast

Now, you would have to start with casting. You will be casting more or less 30 feet from your position and allow it to settle on the bottom to wait for the fish to come close.

Step 4: Taking The Catch Out

Well if it is done perfectly, they would be chasing the fly slowly. You would have to allow them to hunt and then eat it.

Make sure that you are not making it difficult for them to eat it. Now, you would have to lift up your rod slowly. It should be even slower than the casting, and this would eventually make the hook move in their mouth.

They would then jerk the head and hook up themselves without allowing you to do anything.

Pro Tips On How To Catch Grass Carp

  • Grass carp are known to be solitary, shy creatures that like to feed when undistributed. They will get spooked easily if they feel any movement from the shore. Hence, you would have to make sure that your movement or activity is making minimum sound
  • It would be better to bait the area where you will be fishing. Canned corns would be good options for it. You would have to spread the corns in the water till 20 feet from shore, and you would have to bait the place several days before fishing
  • Lightest weight would be suitable for catching grass carp as they would drop any resistance offering bait immediately.

How to Identify Grass Carp

Grass Carp are also termed as White Amur, and these are Asian type minnow that could weigh about 100 pounds and attain up to 4 feet length. This fish consists of a head that is mullet shaped and a terminal mouth without the barbell. Grass carp are known to have dark-edged coarse scales.The dorsal fin of the fish has eight rays. The fin is short and situated above the pelvic fins in the mid body. The paired anal fins would be even short that are attached on the lower side of the body.The body hue of the Grass carp varies typically from olive green to silver white. However, this fish species is often used to control the unrestricted growth of aquatic vegetation in rivers, lakes, and ponds. Well, this torpedo streamlined creature could be fun for fishing, and they could even offer tough fight while hooked.

Where to Catch Grass Carp


Hence, it would become easy for you to catch grass carp if you attain a comprehensive knowledge about them and learn the proper technique to grab the fish.

These introduced species are known to be, for controlling vegetation, but when it comes to catching, Grass carp could offer a tough fight, making longer runs. Therefore, make sure that you are following the right technique while going to catch.

We hope that out list of how to catch grass carp would offer you much information to make your carp fishing trip successful. However, if you have any advice related to this article, please let us know in the comments.

Things To Know About How To Catch Carp In A Pond

Do you want to catch carp in a pond and looking for the right technique to target the fish?

Well, there is hundreds of small water like ponds around a city that we find on the way to a big lake. Such small water sources could be a good source of the fish you want to catch thereby experiencing a great local fishing day.

Carp are basically famous as still water fishes, but their breeding population has developed successfully in ponds, lakes, rivers as well as canal system. Carp fishing in a pond could be very exciting if you could keep the valuable tips in mind and follow the right technique.

To help you in the process, we have come up with a list of how to catch carp in a pond.

What You Will Need

Fishing Rod

Graphite rods could smash under pressure of a big size carp. Hence, you would have to avoid such rod unless you fish for small carp.

You would get rods of various brands on the market, so before purchasing the material, it would be better to do a short research, considering the budget and following reviews.

Graphite rod with three pounds test will be a better option if you are catching small size carp. Usually, carp could grow up to 60 pounds, so in that case, you would require a good rod for hooking it.

However, a rod of 7 to 12 foot would offer sufficient flex for reeling in a large fish.

This product could be worthy of purchase for catching the fish

Maxcatch Extreme Graphite Fly Fishing Rod 4-Piece 9 Feet with IM6 Carbon Blank,...
72 Reviews
Maxcatch Extreme Graphite Fly Fishing Rod 4-Piece 9 Feet with IM6 Carbon Blank,...
  • Pure IM6 24T carbon fiber tapered, slim blank with advanced A-Helical technology
  • Slim, lightweight rod with exceptional line control for powerful, fast, and accurate casting
  • Light and durable reel seat in airspace graded 6061T aluminum and Pure A quality Portuguese Cork...
  • Anticorrosion stainless steel snake and top guides for smoothest performance
  • Advanced ceramic ring stripping guides for increased line control and decreased friction

Last update on 2018-02-27 PST - Details

Fishing Line

The line will have to be strong enough if you plan to catch a big carp. Hence, at first, you would have to decide about the average weight of your catch and then go for purchasing a line based on that.

A monofilament line having tensile strength could be perfect to bear the load of a big carp. The tensile strength would be mentioned either on the product's side or on the box.

However, a braided line would be a better option if your catch's size is one to two pound. Well, monofilament line would help you in tying a good knot which is certainly necessary for such fishes.

However, nylon monofilament line would work best for bigger carp as it possesses the ability to stretch as well as absorb the shock to a greater extent. You could consider these products to catch carp

Berkley Trilene Big Game Monofilament Custom Spool, Clear, 60 Pound
719 Reviews
Berkley Trilene Big Game Monofilament Custom Spool, Clear, 60 Pound
  • Shock- and abrasion-resistant monofilament fishing line
  • Extreme fighting power for big game fish
  • Exceptional strength, reliability, and value
  • Tough against rough or sharp objects with outstanding knot strength
  • Great for saltwater or freshwater fishing

Last update on 2018-02-27 PST - Details

Fishing Hook

Big hooks would not be appropriate for carp. This is because they are very adaptive and would gnaw the bait before engulfing the entire thing in the mouth.

Carp could even taste, see as well as smell a big hook.Hence, they usually would not try biting an evident and big hook. In such case, barbed hooks would be perfect to fish carp successfully.

However, you would have to make sure that whether these hooks are legal in the area where you would be fishing as these are prohibited in many ponds or other places.

Here are two products that you could consider to purchase

Last update on 2018-02-27 PST - Details

Fishing Bait

Sweet corn will just be the perfect bait if you are fishing carp. Well, any corn could work as bait, but sweet corn would offer salts, sugar and complex amino acids making it the perfect food for carp.

However, boilies would be an alternative option for corns.This fishing bait is probably made up of fish or eggs, grains and milk proteins.

However, hemp, pellets, maize, chickpeas, maggots and tiger nuts would be the other baits of carp.

Step-by-Step Instructions: How t o Catch Carp in a Pond

Step 1: Finding A Suitable Place To Catch

A pond is a good place to catch carp as this water body consists of aquatic plants across its entire length along with other animals and insects that form an excellent food source for carp.

The fish is known to favor shallow water at the time of hot weather and deep water during cold. However, you would have to select such a pond area where you could sit comfortably for some hours.

This is because fishing for carp would require much patience.

Step 2: Casting The Line In Water

If you find a full number of carp feeding, you would not then directly cast on the top as they are known to panic quickly.

Hence, in such a situation, you would have to cast in front of the current where the carp could swim for feeding.

It will be easier to cast the line in the pond water if the weights are attached closer to the float.

Step 3: Wait For The Bite

Being an intelligent fish species, carp would feed on around the hook. In certain times, they could even take the full bait before you come to know.

Hence, you would have to sit now and observe the float attentively. If the float shows any up and down movement, it is possible that the carp is gnawing the bait.

However, you could even confuse between carp biting and water current, so you would have to make sure about it before reeling in.

Step 4: Employing Lift Method

If you see that the float is raising out of the water instead of submerging, then it would indicate that the carp is eating the bait.

In such a case, you would have to wait till the float comes out of the water. Then, jerking your back in an upward direction, you would have to start reeling in.

This would eventually hook the carp in its mouth.

Step 5: Reeling In The Catch

As soon as your capture takes the real bite out of the hook, you would have to hold on tightly the pole and start pulling it smoothly upwards.

Step 6: Scooping The Catch Out Of The Water

Using a net would be a great option to pull the carp safely out of the water. When the carp gets tired, you would have to put it in the net.

Put one hand on its belly’s bottom to hold the fish and the other hand on the tail. Once you get the fish out of the water, you would have to take off the hook from its mouth.

Pro Tips On How To Catch Carp In A Pond

  • Boilies that are fish meal based would be ideal for catching carp during summer and autumn while baits that are bird food based would be great during spring and winter
  • Carp love the salty taste, so it would be better to add right amount of salt in the baits
  • The movements of these fishes are known to slow down in cold water and then there would be lesser chance for the fish to swim towards the bait. Hence, if the water in the pond is cold like that in winter, you would have to cast the rigs frequently and target distinct places for putting the hook bait closer to the fish
  • Breadcrumb ground bait added with attractants but without particle, baits would attract the fish without filling them
  • The amount of limp needed to be left would depend on the water depth of the pond where you will be fishing
  • The bait would have to be in the waterbed’s bottom as carp generally prefer that place to feed.


Well, this was all that had on our list of how to catch carp in a pond. Pond fishing for carp could be very exciting as it contains most of the things that carp are known to feed.

Like we mentioned earlier that carp are quite intelligent fishes and they could take the entire bait without even letting you know. Hence, you would have to know the right technique and other indications of the fish to get hold of it at the right time.

We hope that the list mentioned above would help you a lot in catching the fish effectively. Well, if you have any suggestion, do let us know in the comments.

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