A Bowie knife is a long knife with a cross guard and a double-edged blade. The knife was thought to be part of a gentleman's outfit. Bowie Knife has perfect quality compared to penknife, dirk or any other knives. The knife is used for skinning games or bought by knife fools for their collection. The knife used today is like a respectable wild survival knife.
The Jim Bowie knife is primarily designed to be a combat knife that is easy to control, convenient and wearable. The knife was so heavy that it allowed enough force to pierce through the foliage or meat with a single swing that was best used as a survival tool.
History of Bowie knives
Large Bowie knife was created in the early 19th century in Washington, USA. The Bowie knife was originally made by a blacksmith named James Black for Jim Bowie an American pioneer and a Texas hero.
How to take care of your Bowie knife
It is important to make sure you take care of your deer hunting knife to make sure it lasts longer. The most important thing is to sharpen the knife regularly to make sure your tongue does not tarnish. A blunt blade is considered a dangerous blade because you will have to use more force to achieve the same result.
It is important to keep the tactical Bowie knife dry and clean to ensure there is no rust or dust buildup. The best way to clean a hunting knife is to use a clean cloth and apply metal rubbing powder to ensure excellent protection of the blade.
After use, wipe damp and fingerprints with clean cotton. In case your knife has some stains or stains, you can try to remove stains by using metal polishes or detergents. To prevent your tongue from staining, it is important to keep it clean and dry.
For Bowie knife collectors for future generations, you must also avoid fingerprints and moisture. It is essential to store your knives in a cool room with low humidity, comfortable for you to live as this will ensure that they are as safe as you are.
Also, make sure you periodically check your best Bowie knife to ensure they are safe by wiping the knife once a month. If you allow your knife to deteriorate due to lack of maintenance, your collection can quickly lose value.
Is Bowie Knife a great choice?
The bowie knife is an excellent choice and can do most jobs outside of chopping through larger pieces of timber. The skinning knife is multipurpose and can be used for skinning, chopping, and whittling. Also, a bowie knife in terms of self-defense is solid equipment. Arming yourself with a Bowie knife is important and it can offer you sufficient protection if well used.
What else should you know about a bowie knife? It can be used as a carving knife, box opener, a draw knife, and a can opener. The stiletto is sturdy with a tough bristle that can do a whole bunch of diverse things fairly well.
The best features to observe when selecting a Bowie Knife
It is important that you know the best features to check when buying a knife. If you can observe the following features when buying a Bowie knife, you are assured that you will buy a quality dagger.
While buying your tactical Bowie knife, you must ensure that you buy a quality material. Hunting knives can be made from traditional carbon steel or contemporary stainless steel alloys. If you want to buy the best knife, you should prefer the carbon steel version because it is easy to sharpen and maintain a sharp blade for a long time.
The size of the blade
The size of the blade is determinant of your intended purpose. If you want a knife for chopping wood or clearing wood, a large knife is useful. However, a knife with small blades allows for better accuracy and can be used for many bushcraft skills such as fishermen and hunters.
The Length of the Blade
A custom bowie knife has a standard length of 9.5 inches. It is important that you but a knife with inches between 7.9.5 inches and not shorter than 5 inches. A lengthy blade increases the multi-functionality of the knife.
Final Thought
A bowie knife is a vital tool that everyone should own. It is best used as a survival tool and can be used for various activities such as hunting. The article has offered insight on taking care of your bowie knife to ensure that it last longer. Also, it has offered the best factors to consider when selecting the best Bowie knives.
When you are faced with an emergency, in most cases time is of the essence, so you have to act fast. Would you know what to do in different situations? Will you be ready for anything that comes your way in a crisis?
If preparing for emergencies now could possibly save someone’s life in the future, what could be more important than learning what to do?
Of course, nobody wants to think about these things, but the truth is disasters happen no matter what. This article can at least help give you some first aid basics for common scenarios while you can get a well-equipped first aid kit and more by visiting this website.
5 Questions to know if you have good first aid skills and knowledge
1. Do you know what to do if someone is unresponsive from drowning or other?
If you should ever come across someone who is unresponsive and you are the only one at the scene (or the only one, who knows what to do,) first and most importantly– do not panic and call 911.
Call out to the person and then try to tap or squeeze their shoulder, but do not attempt to shake them awake. Next, check to see if they are breathing. If you don’t see their stomach and chest moving, try tilting their head back to straighten out their tongue, since the muscles relax while unresponsive, and could cause the tongue to block the airway. Put your ear to their mouth and listen very carefully for breaths, you may also be able to feel their breath on your face. [1]
In addition, check to see if they have a pulse by placing two fingers lightly on the side of their neck right below the ear for ten seconds.
If no breathing or pulse is apparent, immediately begin chest compressions to pump blood into the brain and ventilation also known as, “rescue breathing” or “mouth to mouth recess cetacean” to fill the lungs with oxygen and keep everything going until help arrives. If there is a pulse, then there is no need for compressions only ventilation is required. [2]
For chest compressions, place one hand over the other in the center of the chest and push down firmly and continuously. After 30 thrusts of compressions, give two breaths into the mouth by pinching the nostrils shut and covering their mouth completely with yours. Then back to compressions and continue to switch back and forth until help arrives or the person starts to breathe on their own.
2. Can you stop or control bleeding?
The number one cause of trauma-related preventable deaths is uncontrolled bleeding. This is very unfortunate since it is not very hard to stop or slow bleeding down enough to save a person’s life. Had someone taken the time out to read an article like this — as you are doing now — many victims would still be with us today.
Let’s start with what constitutes bleeding that is “life-threatening”
• Bleeding that continuously flows from a wound
• Bleeding that soaks clothing
• Part of an arm or leg is lost
• Blood soaked bandages
• A pool of blood on the ground
• Someone is unconscious or confused from extensive loss of blood
• Blood that spurts out
In the case of any of the above happening, you will have to take action immediately.
Start by calling 911 then remove clothing so that you will be able to see any wounds that are bleeding heavily. Do not attempt to remove anything lodged in the wound as this could cause it to bleed even more. [3]
Use a tourniquet by applying it two to three inches above the wound making sure to place it above joints. When using a tourniquet pull it tightly until the blood flow stops and then fasten it to stay in place. It is very important that you note the time of placement and let whoever takes over know the time since leaving it on too long could cause the patient to lose the limb.
If there is no tourniquet available, or something you could tie tightly above the wound, then apply pressure to the wound by placing gauze or a clean cloth over it, then using both hands to push down firmly and hold. If the wound is above the neck or very deep then you should stuff the gauze or clean cloth directly into it and again, keep a firm hold. In the case of the limbs, try to keep them placed above the heart. [4]
3. Would you know what to do if someone has a head wound/concussion?
Head wounds are common in disasters, especially tornados and windstorms. However, they can also occur while playing sports or during other activity. Some concussions can be severe while most are not. However, recent research has found that concussions may be worse than previously thought, especially when the person has had them multiple times. [7]
If you suspect that someone has a concussion because of a neck or spine injury, do not attempt to move him or her unless it’s necessary. If you must move the patient, do so very carefully while trying to keep the back and neck as stationary as possible to avoid further damage to the neck or spine. [5]
Another thing that you should not do if a concussion is suspected is giving the patient food or water since it could cause them to vomit and disrupt their breathing. [6]
When the head suffers a blow it can cause bleeding or swelling of the brain, which can be serious, but these are worse case scenarios. The first thing to do is, hold the patient's head between your two hands in the position the patient was already in to immobilize the patient's head.
Next, reduce swelling by applying ice packs or anything cold — like frozen foods — to the wounded area without pushing hard and keep the patient up and alert by asking a variety of easy questions such as, “what is your name?” and “what is today's date?” until help gets there. [7]
4. What would you do if a person were badly burned?
Being burned is no fun and the more severe the burns are, the more deadly they can be, not to mention painful. Fortunately, people can be burned pretty badly and still survive but may need help. Here is what you can do to help a burned victim.
• Determine the source of the burn first before approaching the patient. If the cause was electrical, then make sure the power is turned off before coming in contact with the victim to ensure your own safety.
• If the victim is not breathing, distribute rescue breathing shown above.
• Next, remove any belts, jewelry, or anything else wrapped around an area on the person’s body, as burns tend to swell rapidly.
• Wet bandages or cloth in cool water and use them to cover the areas that are burnt. Note: Never immerse burns that are severe in water as this could cause the body to lose its heat (hypothermia.)
• Try to elevate the wounded areas above heart level.
• Watch the victim for signs of shock, such as unusual breathing, pale skin tone, or passing out, and more.[8]
5. How would you handle a broken bone?
Each year, approximately 6.8 million people in the U.S. will break a bone. In fact, over their course of a lifetime, almost every American will break at least two bones. [9]
Fortunately, in most cases, a broken bone does not require emergency assistance unless the bone is severely protruding through the skin or is located in the neck, head, pelvis, or spine area, then it is serious business that will require immediate attention. No matter where the fracture may be, try not to move it, especially if the broken bone is in one of the more severe locations.
The following are good indicators of a broken bone/fracture…
• Excruciating pain
• Unable to move or bare down on the affected area
• The bone may look out of place, crooked, or misshapen
• In more severe cases, the bone may stick out of the skin and cause bleeding
• Swelling and/or bruising may become apparent almost immediately
• A tingling sensation or numbness may occur below the injury
• Shortness of breath is also possible
• The victim may feel nauseous
• The patient loses consciousness
Should any of these symptoms occur, call 911 before taking further action. If you are not professionally trained, do not attempt to align the broken bone as this can cause worse damage to nerves and blood vessels.
If the broken bone is located in a limb than you should make a splint out of something hard enough to keep the area immobilized like cardboard, hard plastic, or a stick. Stand it up next to the injured bone and tie something around it to keep it secured.
Moreover, elevate the injured area while applying ice packs to reduce swelling and pain. Try to keep the patient calm and comfortable by covering them with a blanket until help arrives. [10]
Although the above mentioned, are the most common risks that people face during an emergency crisis, there are plenty more and there also may be more ways to handle them, which you can learn about by simply searching in google.
Imagine all the lives that could be saved, if everyone were to learn these basic first aid skills. There is no better feeling than knowing that someone is alive today because of something that you did.
[1] Learn first aid for someone who is unresponsive and not breathing – Red Cross
[2] CPR – 123 CPR
[3] Severe bleeding: First aid – Mayo Clinic
[4] What Everyone Should Know to Stop Bleeding After an Injury – Bleed Control
[6] Emergency First Aid for Head Injuries – Family Education
[7] How to Treat Concussion – CPR Certified
[8] Burns: First aid – Mayo Clinic
[10] How to Provide First Aid for a Broken Bone – WikiHow
About the Author:
Conrad Novak is a proud father of two children. His journey as a prepper began when Hurricane Katrina hit and he lost his job due to the 2008 economic crisis. That made him realize that everything can change for the worst in a very short time. This experience was the detonator for him to pursue learning and becoming better prepared to face the kind of unexpected disasters that may occur at any point in our lives. You can read more of his content at SurvivorsFortress.com
If you’re looking for a life of adventure, chances are hiking would be a good hobby for you. If you're already a hiker, maybe you’re looking for more thrilling experiences than your local trails. If you're interested in challenging your survival skills, then here are five of the best hiking trails in the world that are a must for your bucket list.
However, do be careful and stay sharp, as according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, hiking is the third leading cause of injuries in terms of outdoor recreational activities.
A knack for a challenge, sharp instincts, and a sense of survival are three of the best traits a hiker can possess. Those characteristics can make any hiking experience a fruitful one. Up the ante with the challenging trails above, especially if you want your survival skills to be tested. After all, if it's you versus the wilderness, you've got to know what to do to make it out alive. If you're in the mood for sharing your experiences, perhaps making a hiking blog can also inspire others to take up hiking as a hobby.
Bio Author:
Ray Jennings is a former steel mill worker who currently writes about work safety at Comfort Work Boots. He also shares his passion about hiking that can be useful to his readers.
While zippers are definitely among the most handy-dandy small devices ever invented, they also come with a wide array of problems, one of which is misalignment. You know, when the slider (a.k.a. the thing you slide over the zipper tape) skips a few tabs or so? Or when you mistakenly zipped it up without properly aligning from the bottom? Misalignment is a common cause of zipper jamming, malfunctioning, or breakage.
This can be a nuisance and might just cause your jacket or jeans on the donate pile. However, what most of us don’t realize is that fixing the zipper is very simple and requires only a few basic tools and minutes of your time. So, here is a guide on how to fix a misaligned zipper.
Sometimes, when you got a misaligned two way zipper, it also gets stuck or jammed, which makes repair a little more challenging. Lubricants can be used to get things going and allow the slider to be adjusted.
You may need to unstitch the zipper from your garment, bag, or equipment to make it easier to repair. For this purpose, a seam ripper or sharp blade will come in handy. If you don’t have those, a small pair of scissors could work as well.
Pliers are the best tools to help you remove the stops, the slider, or teeth that may be causing the problem. You can also use them to reattach or replace them. If you don’t have pliers, you can use a flat-tipped screwdriver or kitchen knife. Just be extra careful with the knife as it can damage the stops or cause them to go flying across the room.
After repairing your zipper, you will need these to attach it back to your garment or bag. You can stitch it by hand, or you can use a machine to make the work much faster, especially if you’re dealing with a long or large zipper.
During repair, you may have to replace broken, malfunctioning, or missing parts of the zipper.
Before we get into the details of fixing a zipper, it might help for you to first recognize the parts of a zipper as shown in these pictures below:
Via zippersource.com
As shown in the pictures, a zipper has two top stops and two bottom stops which prevent the slider from coming off of it. To reset and fix the alignment of your zipper, you must remove either the two bottom stops or the two top stops if the bottom has a retainer box and pin system. To do this, grab a pair of pliers to pull away from the stops and set them aside. You can also use a kitchen knife or screwdriver for this task.
Once the stops have come off, you can now move the slider to the top or bottom of the zipper, whichever way the removed stops where initially positioned.
If the slider is stuck, this is the time you can use your lubricants. Try the graphite stick or pencil first by rubbing it on the teeth nearest to the slider. Then, try moving the slider back and forth along the zipper to loosen it up. This may require a little force, but once the slider starts moving, your job becomes easier. In case the graphite method fails, use wet lubricants.
Now, realign the bottom part of the two zipper tapes. Also, check for any deformed or missing teeth that may have caused the misalignment. Use your pliers to replace these or restore their shape.
Once the tapes are aligned, you can now slip back the slider from the top. If your zipper has a retainer box at the bottom, you can start by putting the slider all the way down on the side of the box.
Then, insert the pin on the other tape into the slider. Make sure to pull it all the way down into the retainer box. Try zipping up to the point before the removed stops should be. Ensure that the zipper stays aligned and closes properly.
Since the problem is now solved, you can seal the zipper again by putting the stops back using pliers.
If you removed the zipper, you could now stitch it back. You can even replace damaged stops by simply sewing the two zipper tapes securely together where the stops should be.
You can also watch this quick video demonstration to know how to fix an uneven zipper on a jacket.
Congratulations! You now know how to fix a misaligned zipper and might just be able to save a beloved piece of clothing or an otherwise perfect bag or tent. You might be surprised at how helpful this skill can be.
Did you learn something from this tutorial? If so, please feel free to share it with your friends and family. Do leave your comments or questions below as well!
Shooting is a pastime that is enjoyed by many people, and one that can provide a great deal of satisfaction. Whether you enjoy target or game shooting, or keep a gun for security and peace of mind. there are certain legal requirements that go with gun ownership, and a great deal of inherent responsibility that also comes with the sport.
Make no mistake, guns are dangerous, and especially so if in the wrong hands. An experienced handler will know what to do to make sure that the guns they own never get into the hands of others, and one of the legal requirements is a gun safe.
Any holder of a firearms licence is expected to adhere to the laws and regulations that go with owning guns. This includes having a secure place where your guns are at the least risk of getting into the wrong hands. Bear in mind that such laws can vary from state to state. Let’s talk about the essentials of where to keep your gun safe.
First, it’s important to be aware that the regulations pertaining to guns also apply to ammunition and accessories. The first requirement for any gun owner is to have a safe, secure and top-quality gun cabinet or safe installed; the trick is in knowing where to put it.
You can buy safes for guns readily, and there are some very good ones on the market that make a lot of sense at sensible prices. Still, you need to take all the advice you can on where best to put your safe, and the primary consideration is finding the place that offers the lowest chance of theft or accidental discovery.
To this end, it’s perhaps wise to check out the places where you really should NOT put your gun safe, so here’s a few ideas:
The garage – a no-no in every way; it’s the easiest place to get into, the first place anyone will look, and a likely access point for anyone breaking and entering. It’s also most at risk from fire, flood and potentially damaging humidity – remember, the care of your gun is also part and parcel of having a safe.
Bedroom – it’s a cliché, so don’t hide your gun safe behind a picture, say, in your bedroom, or put it in your closet. Thieves will undoubtedly check this area first once they are in.
Hallway – this is the first entry point of anyone coming into your house – wanted or otherwise – and remember, where your guns and valuables are concerned, never trust anyone!
Statistically, the following are the safest places – in terms of chance of theft – for your gun safe: the basement, where there are plenty of potential hiding places, and which can be kept locked at all times, and the bathroom, where nobody will likely think to look. This is not to say these are failsafe places, but they are not the ones that spring to mind for thieves.
Now you have an idea of where to, and not to, put your gun safe, what else do you need to know? It should be constructed to a high standard and have a security rating that makes it very difficult to get into. Check out the many available and talk to experts in gun safes who will be able to help you with the details.
Once you have a safe in mind, and a place where it is going to go, you need to think about how you are to secure it. A free-standing case or cabinet is not a great idea for guns, so you need to look at securing it to the fabric of the house. This is another reason why basements are a great place for gun safes, as they can be secured to very strong beams or struts, with bolts that are very difficult to cut.
Also, think about siting your gun safe in a corner position, from which you can have it secured on more than one side; this gives you added protection if anyone wants to try and prise it away, and will delay them significantly.
It is also wise to make sure your gun safe isn’t too obvious, so try not to have it on full view. Hide it behind mock vents – or even a false wall – for example, and make it as hard to find as can possibly be.
Use the information online and make sure you talk to the experts, and you can minimise the chances of your firearms falling into the wrong hands.
How to catch mullet fish. Many anglers have been well aware of how frustrating trying to catch them can be. They’re very tough to catch, but do you know that the mullet fish is actually one of the most delicious fish you can eat?
Sure, lots of folks shrink from them, considering they eat just about anything and thrive in murky waters. They eat whatever they can, and there’s a misconceived prejudice against them. Most anglers decide without actually finding out their hidden qualities and used them as bait for more attractive fish.