7 Genius Camping Hacks Every Camper Should Know

Camping equals thrilling adventures and unforgettable memories with friends and families. Added to it is quality time together—ah, a perfect way to make the moments count!

Don’t you feel grateful after every camping excursion? A sense of contentment that overpowers your mind with a feeling of ‘how blessed you are?’

I have already started to miss the campfires, the BBQ, the togetherness, the fear, the adventure, and what not—it’s fulfilling.

So, once you are clear about your next camping destination, you have to start packing for it. The rule of thumb for camping is pack less, simple, and outdated. Seems strange? Obviously, it is the toughest challenge to carry it all, so why not. Let’s explore the hacks that I have to tell you before you will start guessing:

  • Waterproof your Stuff

Waterproofing your stuff is the most important thing to do when going into the wild. At first, waterproof your shoes using beeswax or waterproof spray or else they would be all dirty and non-washable. Honestly, it saved me from a lot of hassle and wastage of money!

Secondly, waterproof the matchsticks by keeping them in plastic containers instead of cardboard boxes. Attach the igniting strip on the inner side of the plastic container. In addition, invest in waterproof protectors for your smartphones and other tech gadgets.

  • Invest in Travel Wallets

Wallets are waterproof as well. The next question must be that from where can we get them? Tactical Peak gets you the adventure-friendly travel wallets.

A variety of wallets having varying types of survival tools is what you’d be getting as an added bonus!

Read more by clicking here and let us know if you have anything better in mind?

  • Take Doritos with You

No fire igniting wood? Kindle fire with Doritos or Fritos. These oily chips can easily start a fire that will last for hours. Continue the BBQ and stay warm!

  • Coffee Bags are Life-Saving

Can’t live without coffee? Fill the coffee filters with your favorite ground coffee and tie the top securely. Whenever you need coffee, fill your cup with hot water and place a coffee bag to get an energy boost.

  • Foam Tiles

Inside your tent or outside, a bunch of foam floor tiles would be the best way to prevent discomfort. In the wilderness, you cannot expect to have a smooth ground, so these tiles are a life-saver. They keep the insects, dirt, and mess, out of reach. Plus, they are super-light in weight; hence, easy to carry.

  • Learn Who’s your False Friend

Not every plant is edible. A lot of plants are thought to be safe and edible but, in reality, they are not. So, be mindful of what effects different plants have on you or your pup. The plants to which your pup is allergic to should be avoided. You may be allergic to some of them too. Therefore, know who your ‘false friend’ is.

  • Carry Dozens of Lightening Instruments

You MUST not run out of options in the middle of the jungle. Plus, everyone should have a torch so that if they are accidentally lost, they have their complete gear until you find them. Batteries, power torches, candles, LED light, and oil lamps; take it all with you.

Did I miss out on something? What are your hacks for camping?

About the Author:

James Graham is a digital nomad who is obsessed with travel and all outdoor activities. In his free time, he likes to hunt and explore new places. You can read his blogs at https://tacticalpeak.com​​​​/category/blog/.

Ted Thomas

Hi there, I'm Ted Thomas, an ardent adventure writer. I write for readers with a genuine interest in enjoying the great outdoors. By sharing my experiences camping, hunting and fishing, I hope to inspire others to fully explore the depths of their passion.

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